Do you remember the Black-eyed Pea Tuna Salad I made last Monday?
Well, on Friday I was forced to drop-kick the refrigerator, forcing out all of its left-overs (HI-YA)
Isn't it funny how every new generation picks up little things from the past generations? Do you really pay attention to those kinds of things? What have your children picked up from you that you have taken from your mother or father?
I am an observer, and I pick up on those little things.
I was visiting my oldest daughter one day, and she said, "David asked me why I cover the washed dishes in the drainer with a clean towel. I told him it is something my mom always did, so I do it too."
Isn't that funny? I picked that up from MY mother. It is something that is being passed down without thought.
My oldest brother says goodbye on the phone exactly like my mom. "Love ya, MM-HUMM, bye-bye."
My youngest brother carries my dad's personality and disposition without thought. It just comes natural.
I went grocery shopping alone. If my youngest daughter would have been with me, this never would have happened.
I am a sucker for trying new things, but why do I buy the biggest container there is for experimenting?
We quickly found out that we don't like this mayonnaise. I have been trying my best to use it (disguise it). Deviled eggs and macaroni salad. Is it working? Of course not...
It is going to be solely up to me to eat this macaroni salad. No one else likes it, thanks to the mayonnaise.
1 1/2 c. not so good mayonnaise
1/4-1/2 c. mustard
deviled egg goop
3 shakes Worcestershire sauce
1 TBS sugar
cracked black pepper
I have made a vow recently. I will never go grocery shopping alone again.
Good Luck~Happy Eating~Enjoy
"Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me." Prov. 30:8
You're a gal after my heart! Good for you - very creative idea here....thanks for sharing the 'thumbs up' and 'thumbs down' stuff going on in your kitchen. And hey - I always cover my dish drainer with a towel too - kinda hides those dishes I guess. *-* Keep looking up!