Well, I am here to tell you a little about MY way of living.
I live in Northwest Ohio, farming community, eat what we raise, home-cooking, a meat and potatoes kind of place.
In my community, if a person wants to indulge their self in fine dining, they have to visit the city that is about 50 miles away. In Northwest Ohio we focus more on the home-cooked kind of foods like, family dining restaurants and country style cuisine (fried chicken, roast beef, prime rib, and all you can eat fried fish).
It just amazes me how the people in my community will flock to the country style cooking facilities, when the food can be made right in their own homes.
So, if you are looking for the fancy-smancy tablespoon size servings with sauce smears on the plate, you have come to the wrong place. You might as well click the back button now.
I focus on home-cooking and good eating (country at heart). My cooking will test any person that is focusing on portion control (like me). Is it wrong to love your own cooking?
I do have some muffin recipes that are made without sugar if you're interested in healthy or low calorie.
I sprinkle them with spicy sea salt, kind of on the heavy side, I love flavor....
I place them in a shallow casserole dish that can be covered with a lid.
I pour water in the dish so the water comes about a half inch below the rim of the casserole dish.
I then pour off most of the liquid, leaving some liquid for the next baking time of 30 minutes.
Our Sunday dinner, savored, enjoyed, and way over the portion size, but loving every minute of it.
Do you want to come and live at my house in Northwest Ohio for a while?
Good Luck~Happy Eating~Enjoy
Yes Ma'm - I do believe I WOULD like to come live at your house for a while. =) These look divine! My hubby doesn't care for BBQ - but I love it. Can you believe I just bought some western ribs today??...think I may have to fix myself a special treat....I will...gonna go do it now. Thanks for planting this lovely idea in my brain (& belly!) today. MMMMM MMMMM!!