I have a super guest for you to meet today....
Her name is Missie.
We quickly became friends on Facebook,
and I fell in love with the inspiration that
Missie provides for her followers and friends.
When someone truly inspires me,
I contact them.
And I contacted Missie and thanked her for her
inspirational tact.
But before I introduce you to Missie,
I want to show you a deviled egg recipe
that I found at Body Rock.tv
What do you do when you run across a new recipe that you
want to try?
Of course, you make it and take it to a family
Family members are your best food critics.
The information I gathered from these deviled eggs is:
"I'm on the fence with these eggs."
"MMMMM.....they are kind of 50/50."
But let me tell you what they have in them:
They have no mayonnaise;
sour cream (didn't have any yogurt), honey, dijon mustard,
onion, and lots and lots of paprika.....
They're not very pretty, but to a body builder they may be great.
There are health benefits when it comes to paprika,
and I think that's why this recipe called for so much.
Vitamin C - extremely high - top benefit
Capsaicin - A powerful anti-inflammatory,
which can ease chronic conditions like arthritis and
joint pain. It also helps improve blood circulation.
(perfect for a body builder)
And did you know that paprika is a ground pepper?
In the back of my mind, as I was making these eggs,
I'm thinking, as soon as I eat one,
I would transform into someone that looks
like Missie.
It takes hard work to look this good!

Let me introduce you to Missie:
My name is Missie McLagan. I'm from Douglas, Wy. I was born and raised in this 'not so very small town'. My husband and I have been together for 12 years, married 8! We have one daughter and she is seven years old. She is my pride and joy (along with my husband, of course) LOL!
Angie has asked me to answer a few questions. I just answered her question #1, so now on to the 2nd question:
My interest in bodybuilding....I guess my interest came from when I was in high school. My gym teacher wanted me to body build, so I gave it a try. I found out that I loved it! But I never took it seriously. After I graduated high school, I started going to the local gym to work out. I didn't really get full into my workouts until I met my husband, and we would go to gym together. I would read magazines and dream of one day competing in a figure competition. I started to work at the gym and became more and more interested in body building. The gym created a challenge for me, and I loved it! Slowly I become more aware of my eating habits. From there it grew to becoming my new way of life. My husband has been the best supporter and gym partner a girl could ask for. I formed a new friendship with a girl who was getting ready to perform her first competition. I shared my dream of being in a competition, and quickly we became best friends.
I had lots of help from my husband and bestie by my side. I was well on my way, but I needed something else to get me looking my very best for show day. I had been following Christy Allen on Facebook for a while and asked her to be my trainer.
But before I get into that, a shout out to my husband, he is my rock and I love him with all my heart and soul. I want to thank him for supporting me 100%! Also to my bestie for helping me and pushing me when I needed it. My thank yous needed to be said, now back to the trainer....
My trainer - Christy, she means the world to me. Not only did she help me, but she gave me advice before I really got started on the competition phase. To me, that is awesome! She has been great to work with. She understands everything I am going through (she is a National Competitor). She explains the "whats" and the "whys". She just ROCKS!!! I'm very glad to have her as my PT, but she is now more than that, she is my friend.
The most interesting part of my journey to become a figure competitor is the way my body changes and transforms right before my eyes. As I get closer to the big day, all I can say is, WOW! The day of competition, I couldn't believe it - Abs POP and I look great (thanks Christy). It is amazing! I feel great, look great, and haven't been sick in a very long time. It all comes down to what a person eats, and what the food will do for their body. This is my life and I love it! Sometimes the food does get boring, sure. You have to think outside the box and remember why and what you are doing it for, and that is all that matters.
How did I get to where I am today? - Lots of hard, hard work, and a few sacrifices along the way. It's not easy, but is is well worth it in the long run.
What motivates me? - I like to look up quotes and use them. I have "Post-its" all over my house with quotes written on them. But the best motivator, doing my first show. It ROCKED! I was a National qualifier and I placed in the top 15. There were 23 girls in my class and I placed 12th. From here, it can only get better, and I'm very proud of myself! A goal of mine is to one day make it to Nationals, not just make it, but ROCK IT!
My eating habits - Very clean most of the time. I eat 5-6 meals a day, which include protein, carbs, veggies and fats. It is very hard for me to eat the bad stuff. No matter how much the bad foods tempt me, I just can't do it! However, I did indulge in some not so good food after I was done with my show (celebration). Let me tell you, it was the best tasting 'not good for you' food that I've had in a long time. But after that night of celebrating was over, I got back home, and I have been eating good again. I also drink 1 gallon or more of water per day.
Workouts - My personal trainer has me workout 5 days a week lifting weights and some cardio, with two rest days. It is very hard for me to have rest days because I like to workout. But I have gotten used to it, and my body thanks me.
Well Angie, I think that I have answered all your questions. I want to Thank You very much for having me here today. It was my pleasure doing this for you. I love your recipes and your Facebook page. Take care!
Missie McLagan
WOW! What a commitment!