Step 1: Make sure that anything you link up is:
- A recipe that is made and photographed by you
- Not part of a sponsorship/sales/giveaway or other promotions/linky parties
- Linked to a specific page of your recipe, not your homepage
- Please limit your link-ups to 3 per party
Step 2:
- Show some love and link back to my blog and Foodie Friends Friday (http://www.foodiefriendsfriday.com) on the post of the recipe you are submitting.
* for example: This recipe is featured on "Host Blog Link" and http://www.foodiefriendsfriday.com Linky Party)
If you want to be the very best Foodie Friend Ever...
- Grab our button at http://foodiefriendsfriday.com and put it on your page and share Foodie Friends Friday!
- Take some time and check out other submitted links and the blogs of all of our gracious hosts
- Come on over and "like" us on Facebook www.facebook.com/foodiefriendsfriday
Step 3: Come back on Sunday and vote for your favorite recipes by clicking on the star under the recipe. You only get 3 Votes so use them wisely!
***Please note that by linking up your recipe you are agreeing to allow Foodie Friends Friday and any of it's affiliated websites or publications to use photos/links/recipes for any reprint, republishing and distribution without monetary compensation to you. If photos/recipes are used, proper credit and link backs will be included.
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Your Hosts:
Foodie Friends Friday http://ww.foodiefriendsfriday.com
Tracy at Busy Vegetarian Mom http://www.busyvegetarianmom.com
Robyn's View http://www.robynsviewathome.blogspot.com
Angie at A lil Country Sugar http://alilcountrysugar.blogspot.com/
Marlys at This and That http://marlys-thisandthat.blogspot.com/
Lois at Walking on Sunshine http://wifeofthecolonel.blogspot.com/
Lindsey at Family Food Finds http://www.familyfoodfinds.com
Cindy at Cindys Recipes and Writings http://www.cindysrecipesandwritings.com
Keira at Luscious Delights www.lusciousdelights.blogspot.com.au
R Dawn at Spatulas on Parade http://www.spatulasonparade.blogspot.com
Ericka at Chef Picky Kid http://www.chefpickykid.com
Michelle at From Calculus to Cupcakes http://www.fromcalculustocupcakes.blogspot.com
Cynthia at Feeding Big http://www.feedingbig.blogspot.com
Skye at A Virtual Essence http://www.avirtualessence.blogspot.com
Jodie at Binomial Baker http://www.binomialbaker.blogspot.com
Thanks so much for hosting!! Have a great weekend!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting another fun party Angie. You gals sure do add fun to the mix when you have such nice giveaways! Enjoy your weekend Dear.