Welcome to Foodie Friends Friday #10
#10! Can you believe that?
There have been some changes made to make the prizes
a little more fair.
Inlinks is randomly choosing the winners.
The voting will still go on, and the winners of the voting
can claim "Recipe with the most votes" badge.
Yup, there are still bragging rights.....
And of course, there is still the recipes with the most clicks.
The prizes here at Foodie Friends Friday have been pretty amazing,
don't you think?
The prize this week is coming from our own Robyn's View.
Thank you Robyn!
Ranch dressing mix?
Oh yeah, I'm in.....
Everything in my house is eaten with ranch dressing.
I think I should buy stock in the stuff....
You are going to love this long lost recipe....
My daughter created these Chocolate Cherry Whoopie Pies,
and they are out of this world fantastic.
Make sure you save this recipe for Christmas time.
Thank you so much for being a part of our Lady's Night Out.
It was so much fun, and kind of broke up the week
with something exciting instead of the same'ole, same'ole....
The lucky three winners chosen by Inlinks are:
Me, me, me, me....A'lil Country Sugar
From our last week's Foodie Friends Friday, the recipes
with the most clicks are:
Every single one of these blogs are amazing.
Take some time to visit them by clicking the high-lighted links.
And when you visit, tell them I said "Hi".
The voted top three recipes, voted by you the readers,
belongs to:
Project Healthy Ever After
We appreciate all the help from readers.
If you didn't participate, Foodie Friends Friday
wouldn't exist.....
Thank you so much!
The Inlinks random three winners are:
Congratulations to the three of you, and I hope you
enjoy your pepper jelly....
One of my faves!!
A'lil Country Sugar host favorite is:
Peach Cobbler in a cake???? I am for sure trying this one.
I already have it pinned to Pinterest......
Now onto the rules that no one likes, but must be applied:
Your hosts are:
Cynthia at Feeding Big http://FeedingBig.blogspot.com
Foodie Friends Friday http://ww.foodiefriendsfriday.com
Tracy at Busy Vegetarian Mom http://www.busyvegetarianmom.com
Robyn's View http://www.robynsviewathome.blogspot.com
Angie at A lil Country Sugar http://alilcountrysugar.blogspot.com/
Sarah at Everything in the Kitchen Sink http://everythingkitchensink.blogspot.com
Marlys at This and That http://marlys-thisandthat.blogspot.com/
Lois at Walking on Sunshine http://wifeofthecolonel.blogspot.com/
Lindsey at Family Food Finds http://www.familyfoodfinds.com
Cindy at Cindys Recipes and Writings http://www.cindysrecipesandwritings.com
Keira at Luscious Delights www.lusciousdelights.blogspot.com.au
R Dawn at http://www.spatulasonparade.blogspot.com
Ericka at http://www.chefpickykid.com
Michelle at http://www.fromcalculustocupcakes.blogspot.com