Monday, July 11, 2011

One Year Blogiversary! I made it!!

WOW!! I can't believe I have made it 1 whole year in blogging.....

And it has not been easy work. If anyone tells you that blogging is easy, you have the right, especially if you are a food blogger, to call them a liar.

There are a lot of things that I would like to do yet, but haven't had the time to dig into them (linky party, give-aways, and guest posts).

Being a full-time student has really limited my personal time.

Throughout the year I have made many friends, developed new idols, and have had lots, and lots of fun.

Some people (bloggers) that have helped me along the way, inspired me, and who I would like to acknowledge are:

All of these bloggers have provided a huge impact in my life. They are kind of like a supportive sisterhood. They always have good advise, great ideas, sharing, and they are very thoughtful. They are always quick to respond when I have questions or struggles.

Looking back:

My very first recipe post was Peach Salsa. When you visit this post, the first thing you will notice is my blogging technique has changed immensely.

My first blog is kind of funny.....or embarrassing....I think I would have to go with embarrassing.

The product tests have proven to be very important and useful in my blogging extravaganza.

The Veggie Straw post was the most viewed throughout the year.

Thank you so much to my followers, fellow bloggers, and "viewed by accident" audience. I would not be where I am today without you. You all have brought me great joy in my dedicated hobby.

I am anticipating another good year with all of you.

"And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward."
Matthew 10:42

How much we love God can be measured by how well we treat others. Jesus' example of giving a cup of cold water to a thirsty child, or even an adult is a good model of unselfish service. A child usually won't, or can't return the favor, but a giving adult will not expect it. God notices every good deed we do or don't do as if He were the one receiving it. The support that is given through the blogging community is a very unselfish act. Even though there may be some that do not see your giving, goodness, and unselfishness, God will always notice.


  1. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!! It is such a great feeling! That peach salsa sounds amazing. Thanks so much acknowledging me! :D

  2. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!!! :)

  3. Angie, Congratulations! ! WONDERFUL YEAR OF BLOGGING!...You are so sweet. I feel I learn from YOU!

    Here's to another great year! ;)

  4. OOOO - I'm just giddy with joy that you've reached this monumental milestone! Thanks SO much for your acknowledgement of sweet. I'm learning plenty from you too Dearie...don't you ever doubt it. You inspire me in more ways than you can know. Keep on keepin'
    awesome to know that God always knows our hearts. XO

  5. Congrats :) so happy for you....


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