Friday, July 8, 2011

Jell-O Did Not Make Me Happy. I think Bill has been fooling us....

Do you see that little girl there enjoying her jell-o? She better enjoy it, because that jell-o was not fun for us yesterday.

Actually, the jell-o made me very angry. It was not fun like Bill Cosby has been saying for years.

Jell-o is suppose to be jiggly, giggly, smiley, laughy......right?

This is how our jell-o happening went.

I just returned home from being in school most of the day, and running errands in between. The weather has been hot, and no one likes to be outside (sweating).

I was talking to my oldest daughter on the phone while my youngest (17) is poking me in the arm wanting me to read the directions on a jell-o box. Randi wanted to make jigglers, but was short two boxes of jell-0. So in a loud, not nice voice, I say, "I AM ON THE PHONE, JUST CUT THE RECIPE IN HALF!"

Randi proceeds to throw everything down, claims she is not making it, and heads downstairs to her bedroom.

Fifteen minutes later she in the kitchen again, and decides to make just plain jell-o. She gets to the cold water part and doesn't think she will have enough room in the bowl to add the cold water. I do what any mom would do, I suggest using ice cubes. Randi gets mad again, throws everything down and heads to her room. Mom getting frustrated yells downstairs, "YOU BETTER GET UP HERE AND TAKE CARE OF THIS JELL-O!"

Who would have thought that jell-o (a fun food) could cause so many problems. We had to wait till the next day to be happy enough to enjoy it.

Do you think Bill has fooled us all these years?

"They refused to listen and failed to remember the miracles You performed among them. They became stiff-necked and in their rebellion appointed a leader in order to return to their slavery. But You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. There for You did not desert them, even when they cast for themselves an image of a calf and said, "This is your God, who brought you up out of Egypt", or when they committed awful blasphemies.
Nehemiah 9:17-18

Seeing how God continued to be with his people shows that His patience is amazing! In spite of our repeated failing, pride, and stubbornness, He is always ready to forgive, and his Spirit is always ready to instruct. Realizing the extent of God's forgiveness helps us forgive those who fail us, even "seventy-seven times" if necessary, or even if the attempt to make Jell-O is failed twice.


  1. My last two attempts to make something with blue jell-o failed miserably and it certainly wasn't fun.

  2. Ha, ha..Angie, I am sorry to be laughing. It was just because your "visual" of your daughter, made me think of MY 12 yr. daughter...and how that "visual" is an every day hormonal day here in my house! (no Jello involved)

  3. Yikes!! You just never know what kind of tornado is going to become of them... Scary!!

  4. LOL...sounds like my house witha 18 year old teenage son...geesh..sigh

  5. What a time for sure! Wild when something so simple becomes a catastrophe huh? Glad you're hanging in there Mom. One day at a time...hoping to see your face soon. XO

  6. Too funny! My SIL can't make jello, no matter what. I'm new here and will enjoy following your blog. I'm originally from Pickerington.

  7. Hi Pam, and welcome. I'm glad you have joined my blog, and I hope you find a lot of goodies here.


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