Tag & I'm "IT"
I have been tagged by Joelle, and you all should be familiar with Joelle. I have been bragging her up for quite a while now. What can I say? When there is something I love, I let it be known. You can find all of her great recipes
Playing a blogger's game will give you something to read and LAUGH AT while I'm doing my homework this weekend. Yes, I am on homework lock-down!
Here are the rules for the game:
1. Post a photo and eleven things about yourself in a blog post.
2. Answer the questions the person who tagged you, asked.
3. Create eleven new questions for the people you tag.
4. Contact them and let them know they have been tagged.
So, let's get started.....
1. Why & what motivated you to start writing a food blog?
My motivation was strictly to organize my own recipes, but as I researched more into food blogging I realized that food blogging was fun, beneficial to readers, and makes an awesome online cookbook. Just carry your lap top to the kitchen and start cooking......Now my blogging has become more than a hobby. It has become a part of my life, and I love offering GREAT things to the public.
2. What's your favorite food?
That one is simple.....I love anything Mediterranean.
3. What's your favorite dessert?
Another simple one......Rhubarb Custard Pie
4. Do you have any children? And if so, do they share your love of cooking?
I have three adult children. My oldest is a mom of two, holds a full time job, and her cooking skills are slim....LOL!
My son is a nutrition freak, body builder, and watches very closely what he puts in his body. He is always cooking something healthy (which helps me too).
My youngest daughter is attending a trade school, and guess what her trade is? You guessed it, CULINARY! She has big plans of furthering her education and she wants to get into the pastry chef part of it.
5. What hobbies/activities do you do in your spare time?
OMG!! BLOG! (every spare second I have)
6. What city and state do you live in?
Well, I don't live a city, I live in a village called Stryker, and if you can find it on the map you just worked your way through all the corn fields.....I'm in Ohio.
7. What state were you born in?
I was born and raised in Ohio. Nope, haven't left yet and I'm 44.
8. How many children were in your family? And where (birth order do you fit in?)
I am the middle sibling of three, and I just found out recently that I carry the type A personality (yes, I cried).
9. What do you do for a living?
Right now I'm a full-time student (working on my Bachelor Degree in supervision and leadership). I won't bore you with all the hairy details, but previously I held a job at an automotive facility (packed up and moved overseas).
10. How many blogs do you write?
11. Where is your favorite place that you visited, and why?
Alaska is my favorite place. I spent some time in Anchorage, Alaska, did a lot of eating, salmon fishing, and site seeing looking for moose....But the reason it's my favorite is because I ate a bar and grill called Humpy's. Later I found out that Man Vs. Food attended that same bar and grill. Some of the best food I have ever laid my mouth, lips, taste buds on.....
The bloggers I am choosing are:
Here are my 11 questions for you:
1. Who or what was your motivation to start writing a food blog?
2. If you could eat anywhere in the world, where would it be?
3. What is your favorite kitchen appliance? Why?
4. Who is your favorite celebrity chef? Why?
5. Where do you see your blog taking you in the future?
6. Can you create recipes from just throwing ingredients together in your kitchen? Explain:
7. How long have you been blogging? And how long do you plan to blog?
8. Can you describe your children (how many), and or, grandchildren (how many) with one word?
9. What is your favorite style of cooking (desserts, main dishes, appetizers, salads, etc....), and why?
10. What three baking ingredients CAN'T you live without?
11. Do you have pets (how many, what kind, and their names)?