I was doing my normal
"favorite" blog visits, and I stumbled across this: Blog With Integrity
My opinion; every single blogger should sign
this badge, display it, and hold true to its advice.

One thing that I have learned through my college excursion is: A person does their own honest work, there is no room for plagiarism, being bias is just uncalled for, and a person's own work will be recognized before something that is copied.
I too blog with integrity:
Although there may be some bloggers with their own personal technique, I imply no bias (but sometimes it is very hard for me to keep my words (mouth) shut), I blog with respect for others, I believe in credibility, citing sources, and providing links. I always present my blog with honest opinions to the best of my knowledge, and I own my words, ideas, and insights.

A friend of mine gave me this picture. She had this special made just for me, and I love it (and her). Marsha at
The Better Baker supplied me with this cute, cute, signature picture.
One thing that keeps me on track is this:
My Blogging Prayer
This blog does not belong to me, but to You, Lord.
Alter me with every post as You will, judge me as You will.
Place me at assistance, or place me to misery.
Allow me to post for others, or please push me aside.
Lift me high, only for You, Lord.
Create me as You will, because You alone have created me, and know me best.
Let me not seek attention, lime light, or attraction, but let me give it.
Let me not emulate, but go forward with my heart.
Let me not wish for page hits, comments, or popularity, but let me wish for You and Your advice.
Let me be a good hearted soul, without the selfish demand of followers.
Let my blog be complete with only You, and let it be empty of my, rudeness and selfishness.
Let me desire all things of You, let me not desire for competition, greatness, and show.
Let my words be tithes for my only audience; You, Lord.
For, You are all I need, want, and desire.
I flat-out refuse to write for customers....I only write for Your approval.
Let my daily assertion be in the security of my salvation, not in the size of my gallery.
My identity will be in the incalculable alters of Jesus Christ, never the amount of comments my blog receives.
The only words that matter in my life will not be the ones I write on this computer screen, but the ones that live and breathe within my heart.
I create from my heart, every sentence, every title, every blog post, every comment to my fellow bloggers, all to do Jesus' perfect will.
My only gift to give is Your blessing.
My only audience is Your eyes that will find a heart secured to You.
Please make all these requests so, oh Lord.
You are my Lord, not Yahoo, Firefox, Google, or Blogspot.
You alone are my Savior. My stats, comments, and page views are not.
You Lord are my comfort. My received comments, or my computer are not.
So with every post to come, I faithfully pray this prayer over my keyboard and coffee.
Please let my prayer be heard in Heaven.