Monday, March 5, 2012

A Must: Spaghetti Salad

This is a must at ANY pot luck. I took this great big bowl to a church pot luck of about 25 people and came home with an empty bowl, and many, many requests for the recipe. Everyone loved it, and I am being forced to print the recipe in the church newsletter.

That looks like a fiesta in a bowl, doesn't it? Gorgeous colors and flavors all mixed together.

This recipe came from a dear friend of mine Joelle. You have got to give her a visit and try some of her recipes. This lady has got it go'n on with spices.....She knows exactly what spice to use to make foods taste "over the top" great. Every recipe that I've tried of Joelle's has gotten awesome reviews and feedback.
This spaghetti salad will definitely be made over and over and over in my kitchen.
The original recipe (Joelle's) can be found here, but don't just stop at this recipe, take some time to look around her blog. Awesomeness right there on the computer screen......

Did you know that there is now a salad pepperoni? Yup, those cute little pepperonis are salad pepperonis. If I remember right (I already threw away the package) they are made by Hormel, and are called pepperoni minis. Perfect for this salad!

I added broccoli to mine instead of radishes, and I used the tri-colored cherry tomatoes (yellow, red, and purple).
I kind of changed up Joelle's instructions with the Parmesan cheese. I added it to the dressing instead of sprinkling on top, but you could probably do both if you want.

This recipe is linked to:

Foodie Friends Friday

Jam Hands

Spaghetti Salad

1 lb. spaghetti, cooked (I broke my spaghetti in half before cooking)
1 c. cherry/tomatoes cut in half
1 small bunch green onions thinly sliced
1 bunch broccoli crowns chopped fine
1 orange and red pepper, chopped
1/4 c. Hormel mini pepperonis (I used the whole (small) bag)


1 bottle Kraft Italian dressing (I used lite)
1/2 bottle McCormick Salad Supreme (found in the spice isle of your grocery store)
1 TBS sugar
1 TBS olive oil
1 TBS red wine vinegar
1/2 c. shredded Parmesan cheese
Combine dressing ingredients and whisk well.

In a large bowl place all ingredients (except dressing ingredients). Pour dressing mixture over all. With tongs mix ingredients well. Cover bowl and chill in fridge to let flavors combine (mine sat overnight). Before serving toss again.



  1. Looks awesome...Love all those colors - and flavors! YUUUM!

  2. Thanks my friend for the truly nice words... I am so happy everyone liked it... we love it :)

  3. I saw this post... left it up on my computer and immediately went to the store to buy the ingredients LOL.

  4. What an awesome recipe, and a great idea. I love it. I can't wait to try it. I am stopping by from Jam Hands.

  5. Thank you for stopping by Savannah! I love to see new faces....

  6. I love pasta salads....particularly ones with spaghetti. I have a good one on my site called Lemon Pasta Salad (I think). You might like it. Yours looks delicious too and I am printing it off.

  7. UR pepperoni ingred. ROCKS!

  8. Do you use a 16 ounce bottle of dressing?

    1. Whatever the regular size bottle is, yes. I'm sorry, I should have put that in the recipe. Thank you for pointing that out.

  9. I did a healthy version of this using squash cut into noodles. I even added diced cucumber and a bit of Italian season and ground black pepper. The combinations are
    endless with veggies. Love it for summer time!

    1. I am so glad you like it. And the wonderful things you are doing with it sounds great.


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