Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Really? In The Garbage? Dark Chocolate Fudge Stripes

Those sneaky little elves have been up to creating something new (Dark Chocolate Fudge Stripes) without me knowing.....And this new product must be delicious, because I found the empty wrapper in the trash.
Yup, this package of cookies didn't even survive in the house for 12 hours......
What does that tell you?
They are a damn good cookie!!
Here, let me straighten things out for you a little.....hold on while I try and get all the wrinkles out.
There, that's you can see the package.

I'm not even going to show you the nutrition facts because we all know that cookies are "BAD".
The person that ate all these cookies and threw away the package before I could get pictures will not be mentioned (SEAN!).

All I have left to give you is a description of this wonderful product.

With his mouth stuffed full (imagination is required here)...."Have you tried these cookies?" (package in hand and dark chocolate cookie crumbs splattering from the mouth.....)
"These cookies are awesome!" (stuffing more in....and spitting crumbs....)

I quickly grab two cookies (just missing my fingers getting bitten off) to test for myself.

The cookie is definitely dark chocolate, crisp, and striped with more dark chocolate.
If you are a dark chocolate fan (like Sean), you will love these cookies. Make sure you pick up a package. But keep them hidden if you have a cookie monster in the house.

If you read this Sean, I hope you know I am just kidding with weren't spitting cookie crumbs. Okay, maybe just a little.....
Love you honey!!


1 comment:

  1. I do....I do...I DO love dark chocolate - and these cookies are gonna be scarfed up as soon as I can find them on the store shelf. Thanks for sharing. Glad you were able to enjoy atleast two. =)


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