Monday, August 1, 2011

Do You Experiment? Marinade For Chicken

Do you ever spend time experimenting in the kitchen?

When I have time (not much of that here lately) I love to experiment. I like to come up with my own unique mixes.

I made my own marinade for chicken.

One of my favorite products is Bolthouse Raspberry Vinaigrette.

And if I can find all different ways to use this product, I do.

I left the chicken marinate over-night.

I wrapped the marinated chicken in bacon, and threw it on my George Forman.

The bacon got a little dark, but the juices that were trapped inside was out-of-this-world fantastic.

This was my dinner......

Marinade For Chicken

3/4 c. raspberry vinaigrette
3 TBS tarragon lemon mustard
2 TBS soy sauce
2 TBS honey
1 TBS sweet basil
1/2 tsp. ground thyme
crushed black pepper

Heat everything together (do not boil, just heat) in a sauce pan. Let stand to room temperature. Pour over chicken breasts, and let marinate over-night.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."
Romans 12:1

There are many definitions of what a classic is. Webster says; "serving as a standard of excellence of recognized value." As I began thinking about that definition, my thoughts were, "What makes a classic?" I realize that striving to be a classic Christian might be a good thing. We aren't cars that someone will drive in a parade someday or end up in a museum, but each of us can set a standard that our children, family, and friends can look up to. Our lives can have a recognized value in the way that we choose to live it.

I think about some of the people that I consider a classic. My grandmother, mother, and step-father come to my mind. They all have a history and an important message, or story to tell. They all have quality, value, recognition, and they are all timeless. God also meets this criteria. God is a classic. We learn, we seek, and we turn to Him for his message and guidance. I think we should all do our best to become a classic Christian.....

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