Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I Feel So Loved.....The Addictive Blog Award

 The Addictive Blog Award!
Go figure! Yup, that's me.....addicted!
I am as addicted to blogging as a man is addicted to chocolate.....
And we all know that men love chocolate.
First off I would like to say Thank You to 
They both have awesome blogs!
Take some time to visit with them. 
I just know you will find something amazing.
The rules that adhere to this award are:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link them back.
2. Share a little bit about why you started blogging.
3. Copy and Paste the award onto your own blog.
4. Nominate up to 10 other bloggers you think are addictive 
enough to deserve the award.
Just a warning.....I love to write essays.
Just kidding, I won't make you suffer through a life-long story.

I started blogging (playing around with it) in 2008. As my children got older, I was finding myself with a lot more time on my hands, even though I was working a 40-60 hour a week job. But what really got me interested in blogging was the positive comments I received from Farmer's Market customers. Yes, I got involved in selling my baked goods at local Farmer's Markets. And the funny thing is, I had regulars every week. The regular customers would come looking for my baked goods. So, I thought, if I have REAL regular customers, I could possibly have CYBER regular customers. I decided to get addicted (go full-time) to blogging in 2010. And my kids continued to get older.....You know that dreadful question from kids...."Where's Mom?" That question has not existed in my home for 2 full years. They know where to find me....In the kitchen or blogging. I am loving every minute of my blogging addiction.

I am nominating:
The Better Baker
Busy Vegetarian Mom
DJ's Sugar Shack
Bobbi's Kozy Kitchen
Food Forays
The Recipe Critic


  1. Thank you so much Angie you are so sweet!! Love you my foodie sister <3

  2. Thanks so much Sweet Thing! This is a new award to me...Congrats on your receiving it too. I'm definitely a blog addict!! We can only hope those who are interested in our recipes, will feel the same way huh? Thank you hugs coming atcha Girlfriend! XO

  3. Thank you so much for the award!! Here is my post http://bobbiskozykitchen.blogspot.com/2012/07/tipsy-tuesday-sparkling-raspberry-lime.html#

  4. Thank you! I am addicted to blogging as well!

  5. Congrats to you Angie & thanks for passing the award on to me. The past few weeks have been pretty hectic and this made my night!


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