Welcome to Foodie Friends Friday #4
Have fun!
Link up (3 of your favorite recipes, please link back to FFF)!
And spread some foodie love by viewing and
commenting on some of the other great recipes.
commenting on some of the other great recipes.
Don't forget to come back on Sunday to vote for your 3 faves....
What a great linky party we had last week.
Every Friday when I go searching in my archives
I run across recipes that I have forgotten about.
Great recipes that I have forgotten about.
So, to share with you a GREAT recipe that has been lost
for two years.....I found this:
Home-made Garlic Bread
And the memories that are linked to this garlic bread:
Spaghetti dinner with my son and his fiancee
to celebrate the purchase of their very first apartment.
Who would have known two years later they would own
their own home......Great work Logan and Sydney!
The most click stars for last week are:
Coming in at #3 is: Country Girl at Home with Chocolate Gravy
(Great Work!)
#2 is: Chef Pickykid and Me with Teriyaki Pulled Chicken
(Awesome job!)
And the #1 spot for most clicks is:
Spatulas On Parade with Sock It To Me Cake
The top three best voted recipes are:
#3 and #2 Spatulas On Parade with Fish Tacos and
And the best voted recipe with the most votes goes to our own:
Marlys at This and That with Lemon Lime Sugar Cookies
(Congratulations Marlys!)
I can't wait to try these great recipes!
(especially the most votes Lemon Lime Cookies)
What will you be bringing to the party today?
And just to tell you a little secret.....I do visit every recipe linked.
Onward to the rules (that no one likes, but must be applied).....
Onward to the rules (that no one likes, but must be applied).....
Step 1: Make sure that your three (3) recipes linked are:
- Recipes made and photographed by you
- Not part of a sponsorship/sales/giveaway or other promotion/part of a linky party
- Linked to the recipes specific page, not your homepage
Step 2:
- Please show some foodie love by linking back to my blog or the Foodie Friends Friday blog
*If you want to be bestest foodie friends....
- Grab our Foodie Friends Friday button and put it on your foodie page to share our Friday party
- Take some time to visit and comment on some of the submitted links
- You are also invited to come on over and "like" us on facebook too, tweet us some lines, and follow on pinterest
***Please note, by linking to the Foodie Friends Friday blog party you are giving us permission to use photos/links on this blog and any of its affiliated Web sites or publications. If photos/recipes are used, proper credit/links will be published with them. We would like to see you have a good time and share your amazing recipes with the cyber world, spread some blog'n love, and get to know each other.
Have fun, and Thank You for visiting!
Come on and show us what you got! Link up your best recipes for us all to see. Be sure to come back on Sunday to vote on your favorites (you get 3 votes). The Top 3 Votes will be featured the following week, along with the Top 3 Click Counts. Not only that, you will be forever featured on the "Page of Fame" at foodiefriendsfriday.com and get a special "Winners Badge" for your blog! Ready, Let's do it!
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(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Your hosts:
Tracy at Busy Vegetarian Mom http://www.busyvegetarianmom.com
Robyn at Robyn's View http://www.robynsviewathome.blogspot.com/
Angie at A lil Country Sugar http://alilcountrysugar.blogspot.com/
Wayne at Passione Per Cucina http://www.passionepercucina.blogspot.co.uk/p/welcome.html
Sarah at Everything in the Kitchen Sink http://everythingkitchensink.blogspot.com/
Michelle at From Calculus to Cupcakes http://www.fromcalculustocupcakes.blogspot.com
Marlys at This and That http://marlys-thisandthat.blogspot.com/
Lois at Walking on Sunshine http://wifeofthecolonel.blogspot.com/
Erika at Chef Picky Kid and Me http://chefpickykid.com
Lindsey at Family Food Finds http://www.familyfoodfinds.com
Cindy at Cindys Recipes and Writings http://www.cindysrecipesandwritings.com
Sheri at http://www.homemadeservedhere.com/
Keira at Luscious Delights www.lusciousdelights.blgospot.com.au
Amber at Mama's Blissful Bites www.mamasblissfulbites.com
Rhiannon at Baked In The South http://baked-inthesouth.blogspot.com/
Brianne @ For the Love of Food (and Eating!) http://www.fortheloveoffoodandeating.blogspot.com/
Pooja at Saffron N Appetite http://saffonnappetite.blogspot.com
Thanks so much for hosting! Have a fantastic weekend!!