Monday, June 18, 2012

Sometimes It's Gotta Be Quick: Onion Bagel Pizza

Sometimes our busy schedules force us to eat, prepare, and think 'quick' when it comes to food.
Yes, even a die-hard food blogger has to think 'quick' sometimes.....
What do you get when you have a package of onion bagels, pizza sauce, mini pepperonis, and cheese?

A mini pizza of course!

That wasn't suppose to be a's for real! Mini pizza in a quickness.

Onion bagel
Pizza sauce

Mini pepperonis


A 400 degree F. oven for 8-10 minutes, and BANG! Instant pizza in a quickness....

Just like this blog post.


Over with a quickness.....



  1. These bagels look delish. My busy sched always keeps me from eating something heavy. At times, I get dizzy when I’m sitting at my work station because I wasn’t able to grab something to stuff in my mouth. I have looked up some dishes that promise me a dash before I go to work but almost all have kept me at least 7 minutes late. I do appreciate this recipe and I will give it a try tomorrow. Thank you for posting!

    1. Thank you for stopping by. These bagel pizzas were a quick fix for us, and they are super good. I hope you enjoy them as much as we did.


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