Monday, June 11, 2012

A Short Cut: Queso Blanco Grilled Chicken Pasta

I have taken macaroni and cheese to a whole new level.....
Sometimes I take short cuts when I really don't feel like cooking. And when I threw this together I knew that I'd have to share. This stuff is amazing. I will definitely be making it again.

I am a sucker for anything that says NEW. Have you tried the new Queso Blanco cheese made by Velveeta? This stuff just might become a staple in my home......
How about the new Grilled and Ready chicken chunks made by Tyson? Tyson is a trusted brand in my house (even though I'm not a big fan of freezer ready foods).

When I see the word NEW, this is what pops into my head:
N - Now
E - Entertain
W - Woman!

Yes, I can find pure entertainment with new food products.....weird huh?

There was a recipe suggestion on both new products. The Velveeta offered a recipe for Queso Blanco Dip and the Tyson chicken offered a recipe for Grilled Chicken Mac and Cheese. HUMMMM!!! I wonder if I could combine these two recipes to create a meal?
That's exactly what I did!

I placed the cheese cubes, a can of green chiles, the chicken, and 1/2 c. milk (since I was serving over pasta) into a medium sauce pan. I heated everything over medium heat and left it simmer while my pasta cooked.
When my pasta was done, I drained it and poured the chicken sauce mixture over the pasta. Topped it with dried parsley flakes and served.
This stuff is fabulous!
I also went in search of some Parmesan cheese but couldn't find it. I blamed my son for taking it, and this morning I opened my refrigerator and there it was right in front of my face. I wonder why I couldn't find it yesterday for dinner? Maybe that's what is called 'selective sight'? Must come with age......

This recipe is linked to:

Mandy‘s Recipe Box

Queso Blanco Grilled Chicken Pasta

16 oz. Queso Blanco Velveeta cheese, cubed (half of the large brick)
1 can (4 oz) fire roasted mild green chiles
1 (22 oz) bag Tyson grilled chicken breast chunks
1/2 c. milk
Pasta of your choice (I used 1 box of spirals)

Place Velveeta cubes, green chiles, grilled chicken, and 1/2 c. milk in a medium sauce pan. Over medium heat melt everything together, stirring often.
When cheese is melted, start cooking pasta. Let the sauce simmer while pasta is cooking.
Drain pasta, return to pan and pour sauce mixture over the pasta. Stir well and serve.
Garlic toast would be an excellent side, or a salad, or both.....



  1. WOW! That sounds like a simple recipe - creamy and cheesey - OH YUM! I'm here to spread a little sunshine - you have an award waiting for you. Check out this link for details. Have a great week.

  2. Looking good! I wonder where the parmesan cheese was? LOL!


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