Monday, May 14, 2012

Sweet Potato Minis

Is there anything better than a bowl full of sweet potato mini muffins? I don't think so.....

I had just treated myself to a brand new mini muffin pan. I have never owned one, so of course I had to try it out right away. The feeling of a brand new mini muffin pan is similar to a little girl getting a brand new Barbie..... Especially if your a dedicated "foodie" like me. I had to take it out of the package and play right away.

I think these mini muffins are great with a pad of butter and eaten warm. But I was skipping through a cooking magazine (can't remember which one) and seen an awesome picture of sweet potato muffins topped with sour cream and bean salsa. HMMMM!! That sounds interesting. So, I topped some of my minis with sour cream and bean salsa. They were good, but it's one of those things that you have to adjust a taste for. So, you can eat them either way; warm with butter, or topped with sour cream and bean salsa.

Sweet Potato Mini Muffins

1 c. bread flour
1 1/2 c. all purpose flour
1 TBS baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1/2 c. melted butter
1 (15 oz.) can sweet potatoes, drained (I boiled 2 medium sized, peeled and chopped, sweet potatoes and mashed them with the butter and milk)
1/4 c. milk

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
In a bowl, combine the flours, baking powder, and salt. Mash the sweet potatoes with butter and milk. Add the dry ingredients until just blended.
Place dough in mini muffin pan (dough it thick). I used a small/medium sized cookie scoop. Place in oven for 8-10 minutes, or until golden brown.
Remove to wire rack. Serve warm.



  1. My oh my oh my! I LOVE mini muffins and you sure do know how to dress them up royally. MMMM!

  2. Oh these look so good and are absolutely adorable! xo


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