Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Did Someone Say Nutella? Peanut Butter Nutella Cake

This recipe was chosen as a feature item at:

I don't know about the rest of you, but I can spend endless hours searching blogs for recipe inspiration.
The inspiration for this recipe was found at Bake or Break Recipes.
You know, at least you should by now, that I can't just follow a recipe. I almost always have to "kick them up a notch", as Emeril would say.....
When I came across this recipe and seen the word peanut butter, I automatically thought of Nutella. Why does peanut butter remind me of Nutella?
Nutella = chocolate, peanut butter = peanuts
But put the two together and you have chocolate peanut butter.....and I know in the foodie law books you cannot, should never, don't even think about it, separate chocolate and peanut butter.

When the cake batter hit the pan, I heated about a half cup of Nutella in the microwave (13 seconds) just to soften it a little and swirled into the peanut butter cake batter. Isn't that gorgeous? I didn't really want to bake it after that picture.....

Then I topped it with the required 1 cup of reserved flour mixture, and sprinkled mini chocolate chips on top.

This is what it looked like right out of the oven. And to give you a little visual whole entire house smelled like peanut butter and chocolate. I think that scent should be captured in a candle....
This cake ended up with crunchy top and moist middle. The way a cake should be. Actually, it kind of reminds me of a coffee cake.

This recipe is linked to:

Mandy‘s Recipe Box


Recipes For My Boys - Thursday's Treasures


Peanut Butter Nutella Cake

2 1/4 c. all-purpose flour
2 c. light brown sugar
1 c. creamy peanut butter (I used extra crunchy and used a mounding cup)
1/2 c. butter, soft
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 c. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
3 eggs
1/2 c. Nutella, softened in microwave for 13 seconds
1 c. mini chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Coat a 9x13 baking pan with cooking spray. Set aside
Using an electric mixer, combine flour, brown sugar, peanut butter, and butter. Mix well.
Remove 1 cup of the flour mixture and set aside.
To the remaining flour mixture, add baking powder and baking soda. Mix in milk and vanilla. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition.
Transfer batter to baking pan. Heat 1/2 c. Nutella in microwave for 13 seconds. Pour over cake batter and swirl into batter with a butter knife. Sprinkle top with reserved flour mixture, and sprinkle with mini chocolate chips. Bake 35-40 minutes (mine took all the 40 minutes). Test with wooden pick. When wooden pick comes out clean, it's done.



  1. I'll have to try this. My daughter loves Nutella!

  2. I'm NUTS about Nutella too! =) You're such a tease....this looks so tasty. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This looks wonderful! I am so wanting to try this! Thank you for sharing on Thursday's Treasures Week 36. Hope you will join again next week. I'm now following you on GC also pinned it on my Thursday's Treasures Board. <3 and hugs!

  4. Angie, This cake looks super delish! Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday this week. I can’t wait to see what you link up next week. Have a great weekend.


  5. Wonderful cake, but for some reason, it took a lot longer than 40 minutes to bake...

    1. I am terrible with times because I test mine with a wooden pick....sorry. But since you commented others will know that it takes longer. Thank you for the heads-up.

  6. Congrats on being a featured recipe at Weekend Potluck! Come on over to my site and grab a red "I was featured button" if you'd like!
    Come see us again soon!
    Hugs, Tonya from 4 little Fergusons


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