Friday, May 4, 2012

Challenge Me Again! Sausage Gravy Biscuits

I was featured at Weekend Potluck.....Woop! Woop!

Okay, for starters.....Why did Google change things on Blogspot? Now I have to learn things all over again.....And I'm tired of learning! Can I get away with saying that in this day and age? Well, I said it!

To tell you a little bit about this recipe; I was given a challenge. And you know me and challenges, I love them. Bring it on baby! When it comes to food you can challenge me any day.

But anyway, the challenge was to see if I could create a sausage gravy biscuit. Yes, sausage gravy right in the biscuit. The requester said that she would like to have the good breakfast food portable. 

I did it! 

And they are amazing. Did you see what I did with mine? I topped a biscuit with a little of the gravy and an over-easy egg. One great breakfast right there on my plate. But that's not very portable, is it?

Alrighty then, you may have to follow along with this one. I will still post the recipe at the end of the post, but to give you an idea of what I did, following along might be a good idea.

I browned 1 pound of fresh bulk sausage. When it was all the way browned I added tons of fresh ground black pepper and a little lavender pepper. I threw in some Worcestershire sauce and Frank's Red Hot.

Whatever you do, do not drain your sausage. You need that fat, grease, lard, or whatever you want to call it for flavor, and will also help in the baking process.
I added some flour and stirred until it soaked up all the grease.

Then I added some milk. Don't forget this is going in the biscuit, not on top. So I didn't add as much milk as if I was making gravy.
After I added the milk, I simmered it for while just to let it thicken. I pulled it off the burner and left it cool to room temperature.

Once it was cool, I added some plain yogurt to some of the sausage gravy.

Dumped the mixture in my self-rising flour and pulled the four into the gravy. You don't want to over mix or they will turn out tough.

My dough has formed. They are ready to be patted and cut into biscuits.

 I used a two inch round biscuit cutter.

 Placed them on a baking sheet with sides touching. I ended up with 10 biscuits.

Aren't they gorgeous? And they taste awesome!
Challenge me again and see what I come up with. According to the person that challenged me, she said that she couldn't find any recipe for sausage gravy biscuits on the internet. So, does that mean I'm the first?

Here's another shot of that great breakfast I had.....And you can now wipe the drool from your chin....

And this is how good it was.....

This recipe is linked to:

Sausage Gravy Biscuits

For the sausage gravy:
1 lb. bulk fresh sausage
Lots of fresh ground pepper and a little lavender pepper
1 TBS Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. Frank's Red Hot sauce
1/4 c. flour
2 c. milk
Brown sausage until done. Add peppers, Worcestershire sauce, and Red Hot. Add the flour and stir until all the greases are absorbed. Add milk one cup at a time stirring after each addition. Let it simmer until it thickens. Remove from heat and let it cool to room temperature.

1/4 c. plain yogurt

Add the yogurt to 1 c. of sausage gravy. Stir together.

For the biscuits:
1 1/2 c. self-rising flour
1 tsp. salt

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
Place the flour and salt into a large bowl. Whisk them together. Make a well in the flour mixture and add the gravy mixture. Using a fork pull the four into the gravy until all the flour is moistened. Don't over mix.
Once a dough has formed, sprinkle a clean surface with flour. Turn dough out on floured surface, sprinkle with a little flour and fold dough in half. Pat dough to 1/2 inch thick. Flour again and fold dough in half. Pat dough into a half inch thick round. Dip a 2-inch biscuit cutter into flour and cut out biscuits. Place biscuits close together on a baking sheet. Bake 8 - 10 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm.



  1. You are such an amazin creatin woman (not to mention college grad eh???=) I would never have been able to come up with this grand concotion. Sounds sooo yummy. Thanks a million for linking up at Weekend Potluck - please come again...hopefully things slow down a little for you now.

  2. I have a question--what do you do with the other gravy that you didn't mix with yogurt?

    1. Very good question Lisa. I used a little for my biscuit and over-easy egg, and then I gave the rest to my son for his breakfast. I only used two cups of milk for the gravy, so there wasn't really that much left over. And I'm sure you could thin it a little more to serve over the biscuits, or maybe make a creamy soup out of it.?.? (now that's an idea. Sausage gravy soup?), or top a baked potato, home fries, etc....

  3. Congrats on being one of the featured recipes on the Weekend Potluck. These look amazing and I can't wait to try them. My family will love them. I'm printing the recipe and pinning it as we speak! Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to following you and more of your yummy creations!

    1. Thank you so much Kim and Julie. I was very happy with the way these biscuits turned out. Sometimes my creativity pays off....LOL!!

  4. Hi Angie! Just wanted to pop over and let you know that your biscuits are one of our featured recipes over at Weekend Potluck today! Yay! We all just loved these. Thank you so much for linking them up. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. Thank you so much for allowing me to participate the awesome Weekend Potluck you all have created. It so awesome to be able to be a part of something so awesome.

  5. SOOO excited for you Smarty Pants! Congrats on having this yummy creation featured at Weekend Potluck - keep on a cookin and creatin! And Happy Mother's Day too!

    1. Thank you so much Marsha! You have a great Mother's Day too.

  6. I finally made your Sausage and Gravy Biscuit recipe last night...AWESOME! My boyfriend and I couldn't get enough of the wonderful tasty biscuits! This recipe will now be a staple in my home! Thank you!!

    1. Maybe I should have stuck a patent on this recipe???? LOL! I'm so glad you liked them, and that is so much more important to me. I love to hear feedback when others try my recipes.


I look forward to and appreciate any comments.
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