Monday, March 12, 2012

New Product: Birthday Cake Oreos

Have you tried the new limited edition Birthday Cake Oreo? "Limited" means - not for very long.... You better go out and grab a bag of these before they stop production.

Can you believe the Oreo cookie is 100 years old?

And the Oreo "Join The Movement" is so correct in their introduction paragraph.....

I am not as old as the Oreo, but I would have to agree that the world is moving too fast. All of the changes that have occurred during my 43 (44) years of life (I almost share a birthday with Oreo. Mine is March 9th, and their's is March 6th) have been totally amazing. Instead of slowing down and being more carefree, we are speeding things up with technology. But the Oreo will always be the Oreo....unless something is invented in pill form (just add water, and POOF you have an Oreo). Don't could happen!!

Meanwhile, during all these fast changes of life.....pick up a bag of these Oreos and you can slow down, reminisce, and relax for a moment while dunking these in a large glass of milk. Or maybe you prefer to pull them apart and eat the cream filling? Any way you eat an Oreo it will take you right back to your childhood. GUARANTEED!!

To tell you a little bit about these limited time Oreos: As soon as I opened the bag I got a huge whiff of birthday cake. Be careful, the aroma may just knock you over....Yup, it smells that good. I immediately pulled out three cookies; one for eating whole, one for dunking in milk, and one for pulling apart and eating the cream filling.....actually, I tested them four different ways, because just yesterday I was dunking them in my coffee. The cream filling has the confetti sprinkles and you can actually taste the sprinkles. Fun Fetti cake....that is what it reminds me of.

Don't miss out on these wonderful cookies, and make sure you Join The Movement.....


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