Monday, January 23, 2012

STOP EVERYTHING!! Look What I Found!


You should see what I found just ten minutes away from my house.....

In the picture above is (left) Staci and (right) Mo. Go and spend some time with these wonderful ladies. They sure do know their stuff about food, and they are extremely friendly too. I felt right at home as soon as I stepped in the door. And any questions I had were answered quickly, sincerely, and with tons of information.
Mo gave us a sample of fresh from the cow milk.....Have you ever tasted that? Oh, Glory Be!! I could be happy with that sweet creamy stuff in my coffee every morning. I am seriously considering buying stock in a dairy cow!!

I am a huge fan, lover, and I go nuts for Trader Joe's. But my dilemma is: I don't live anywhere near one.
My son (remember he's the nutrition freak) came home and told me about this new organic food store that he found in Bryan, Ohio. Just ten minutes away from our house. That was it!! That's all the information I needed to know. I dropped everything I was doing and headed to Bryan, with son in tow, of course. I stepped one foot into the store and instantly fell in love. I was in heaven, paradise, my own private dream. But wait, this isn't a's for real! And you should see what I found while I was there.....

Whole grain pastas, organic eggs, organic pasta sauce, goat burger, lamb burger, organic popcorn, and even some organic treats for my dog.
There is so much organic food in this store, I just wanted to take it all home, throw away the key, and no one bother me....I will survive in my own organic heaven.
There are nuts, dried fruits, teas, coffees, an endless supply of spices, fresh produce, and organic meats.
But it's not all food. Make sure you spend some time on the All Things Food Web site (the events calendar) because they have cooking show events, popular chefs, and even doctors that come and speak about nutrition. What an amazing place, and I didn't even know it was there. That is one of the downfalls of being a hermit.....DON'T BE A HERMIT!! Just look at the goodness I could have missed.

I will be following All Things Food very closely. I don't want to miss anything, and I am going to be the first in line for their next cooking show (with camera in hand, if they allow).
I am going to support my local farmers....Wal Mart can go to hell!! And I truly mean that!!



  1. !!!! It all looks so GOOD! What a FIND!! I am in Mt. Orab Ohio and am thrilled that we are getting a Trader Joes in a place called Eastgate near's about thirty mins away! And NO I have never tried fresh from the cow milk....gotta do that one day!

  2. Oh, lucky you Angie! I sure wish we were closer to Bryan. Yes, I've had fresh from the cow milk. My husband's mom and dad had a dairy farm and we used to get all our milk "straight from the cow".


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