Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why Is It Brown? Apple Salad

I love apple salad, but I wanted to do something different to satisfy my craving.

I turned this one into a jell-0 salad.

And why is it brown, you ask?

Because I went to the frig to get my jar of applesauce and I was about 2 ounces short.

And without panic, I looked through my pantry, and my frig to see if I had something to substitute for the missing 2 ounces of applesauce.

What do you think I found?

Yup, apple butter......

Hey, don't worked.

I like apple salad because usually it has crispy chunks of celery along with the apple.

This salad went together pretty easy.

And it is so pretty when it's done.

I think so anyway.

The topping is my own creation.

Okay, I'll tell you the truth.....My refrigerator needed cleaning out. I had partial containers of cream cheese, sour cream, and ricotta.

Ha! It all went on top of my jell-o.

Autumn Apple Jell-O Salad

20 oz. applesauce (I won't put in the apple butter, because it's not suppose to be there)
1 pkg (3 oz.) pineapple jell-o
1 pkg (8 oz.) cream cheese, soft
1 c. diced unpeeled apples (I used honey crisp)
1 c. chopped celery
1/2 - 1 c. chopped walnuts
1 c. mini marshmallows

Place the applesauce in a medium saucepan, bring to a boil (be careful with applesauce, it pops all over). Boil for 3 minutes, and add jell-o. Stir until dissolved. Remove from heat and add cream cheese. Stir until melted and combined. Cool. Fold in apples, nuts, celery, and marshmallows. Pour into a 9 inch square pan. Chill until firm (overnight).


1/2 c. sour cream
1/3 c. ricotta cheese
1 tub cream cheese (spreadable)
2 TBS sugar
1/2 tsp. lemon peel (McCormick's)
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

Place all ingredients in a stand mixer and mix until smooth. Spread on top of chilled jell-o salad.


1 comment:

  1. What a unique recipe. I have never heard/seen anything like this before and now I definitely want to give it a try!



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