Monday, September 26, 2011

Who Would Have Thought Ramen Noodles?: Oriental Cabbage Salad

Oh, is this ever a good salad.

Have you ever had it before?

This is the first time for me too.....

And it is linked to:

Mandy‘s Recipe Box

Do you remember these? Maybe from your college days?

I was told in my economics class that when the cost of food goes up these babies are in high demand. Crazy, huh?

This recipe comes from a friend of mine. Her name is Linda Silvernail. She is very faithful at sending me TNT recipes.

I had to email her to let her know how wonderful this salad was. And what a huge hit it was at my church luncheon.
There was a lady that asked if she could take the rest home.
Just goes to show how tasty this salad is.

Of course, I had to make some changes. I was lacking some ingredients (apples) and added a few others.

I substituted the apples for peaches. The peaches worked well with the oriental flavors.

Oriental Cabbage Salad (Linda Silvernail)

1/2 head of a medium size cabbage - chopped
1 pkg. chicken Ramen noodles - noodles broken, save seasoning packet
4 chopped green onions with tops
3 peaches, peeled and chopped

Toss the above ingredients together - minus the seasoning packet

1 seasoning packet
1/2 tsp. pepper
3 TBS sugar
1/2 c. olive oil
3 TBS. balsamic vinegar
A few shakes of soy sauce

Put these ingredients in a shaker (or jar with a lid). Mix well, pour over the salad. Keeps well in the refrigerator.

"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, "I find no pleasure in them.""
Ecclesiastes 12:1

It is hard to find the answer to life when you get older. Statistics (and everyone loves that word) indicate that most people who come to Christ come to Him while they are relatively young. Ninety-five percent of believers come to Christ before they are fifty, and most of those before they are thirty. Ecclesiastes tells us, "Remember your Creator in the days of your youth."

Remembering God does not mean simply thinking about Him once in a while. It means to relate to Him, walk with Him, discover Him, get to know Him while you're young.
I'm a middle aged adult and I waited to do my walking with God until now. Sure, I attended Sunday School when I was little, and was raised in a Christian home, but I absorbed what my parents taught me, and only what they taught me. I never fully walked with God alone until now. It is true when Ecclesiastes says, "Remember your Creator in the days of your youth." If I would have taken advantage of that suggestion when I was in my teens or even my early twenty's, I wouldn't be struggling now to fully understand everything that God has to offer.
I also experience this struggle while I am attending college. The young students can grasp information and soak it all in at such a fast pace. But take a middle aged person (like myself), stick that person in with the young, and the information has to be processed slowly. I am always finding myself saying, "Wait a minute, could you please go over that again?" It takes longer for me to soak up information, to process it correctly.

It is never too late to willingly root and grow in Christ.



  1. So glad you liked it Angie. I'm definitely going to try it with the peaches.

  2. Yummy!
    This sounds delicious and I think the peaches sound even tastier than the apples.

  3. Seriously? Who would have thought you could do that with Ramen noodles!


  4. Angie the Creative Genius! I would NEVER have thought to use peaches - this is such a great salad. I will try it again 'your' way next time. Your inspirational thoughts really stirred my heart and put a lump in my throat. You're so's never too late to walk with the Lord. Blessings on your week Dearie! XO

  5. yum! this looks delish! Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again tomorrow with more great projects!


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