Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's Been A Long Time Since I have Been On A Farm

It has been a long time since I have been on a farm.

I got invited to a family reunion, where I didn't know any of the family. My mom's side of the family are scattered throughout Michigan and we don't see each other much. My mom had to take me around and introduce me to her cousins that I have only met a few times before, when I was like 10.

They held the family reunion on one of the cousin's farms.

Now, I was raised on a farm, but the farm was focused on pigs. I can tell you everything you need to know about pig farming.

This farm deals with grain. And I'm assuming those are grain elevators in the pictures.

I think the only reason I went was to take pictures, and man did I take a lot. I just wanted to soak this all in......

The best part was seeing how they grill the chicken.

They filled the bucket of a backhoe with wood. That is a backhoe right?

They burnt the wood till it was nice and hot, then they added charcoal.

Doesn't that look amazing? The chicken was grilled for two hours, and every time they flipped it they misted it with beer.

When the chicken was done cooking, this is how they took it out of the grilling grates. Yup, grab it with clean (I think they were clean) white gloves and heave it into a great big pot.....

The party was placed right in the middle of the grain silos. Silos right?

Any farmers out there? Help me out with this one.

This cracked me up and I had to get a picture of it. A case of beer in between corn stalks.

I have to tell you, the farm life has been so long ago for me, when I first got there I kept checking the bottom of shoes for poo. I could have swore I stepped in some.....

Above the make shift dance floor right in the middle of the silos was hanging candles in a jar.

I didn't stay till it was dark so I missed out the candlelight affect.

This is a shot of the party place.....right in the middle of the silos.

They even had a make-shift bar. They had an old pop cooler sitting on a pallet that was chocked full of jell-o shots. I think that was for later when the DJ started up.

And there's nothing like sweet corn cooked in a keg......

You can see it boiling away....

Isn't that gorgeous?

And this is the food buffet. Food for miles.....

Wait, maybe I am back on a pig farm.....

I thought this was the coolest thing ever. A big green tank that everyone signs there name on.....

And I have no idea what's in that tank.

Look at all those names. This is years worth of family reunions and parties.

That right there is my mom and her husband. They signed it last year.

What an awesome family reunion. I will make sure I go every year. And now I know I didn't have poo on the bottoms of my shoes, I was on a farm.

Hugs for always,



  1. How nice! Terrific pix too. Thanks for sharing ~The Better Baker

  2. Terrific pix - how nice to meet up with family. Thanks for sharing. ~The Better Baker


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