Friday, September 9, 2011

Interesting Enough To Try: Onion Zucchini Bread

Onion Zucchini Bread.....

I have never heard of such a thing, but it struck my interest and I just had to try it.

I was relaxing, and I can't believe I am actually using that word - - - relaxing - - - Don't get to do that very often.
But anyway, I was relaxing and searching recipes on my laptop. There are favorite recipe sites that I like to visit, and recently I have been surfing Taste of Home. That is where this recipe came from. I own tons of Taste of Home cookbooks, but it's so much more fun to surf the internet.

Since I was using my laptop I just carried it to the kitchen and used it as a cookbook. Do you ever do that?
I used to own a net-book, but the screen was too small and I had a hard time reading it. It's gotta be old age, or something. I ended up selling it because I got tired of squinting to read it.

When it comes to zucchini recipes, I think they have the Forest Gump shrimp dish list beat by a mile.....

This recipe was very easy to make and would be perfect to whip up with soups and stews.

As you can see, it is a very moist bread, and it is delicious when eaten warm.

You just mix all the ingredients together (only takes two bowls and fork) and spread it in a round cake pan. Easy-peasy....

The grated Parmesan cheese browns while it bakes and gives the bread kind of a crunchy top.

Gorgeous!! Right?

I want to acknowledge the owner of this recipe (Taste of Home) because I did not make any changes to the recipe. I wanted to try the original recipe first before making any changes, and I don't think anything needs to be changed in this recipe.

This recipe has been linked to:


  1. Goollleeeee!!! I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing, or I would have tried it. What an amazing and inviting combo of flavors. Thanks for sharing - I'm gonna make it soon! MMM! And yes - I LOVE using my laptop as a cookbook.

  2. I have never heard of that dish either, but I really cannot wait to try that, I love all of those flavors. I use my laptop as a cookbook a lot, I just always get nervous I am going to spill something on it while making a mess in the kitchen hahaha

  3. Zucchini and onions go really well together. Just when you think you have seen zucchini everything! Looks good.

  4. This DOES sound interesting. You must have liked it enough to post it? What did you eat it with? Sound like it would be go in place of cornbread with Chili or something?

    Yea, normally I print recipes up but the other day I did what you did, I just put my laptop on the kitchen counter. It was a little awkward and I think I'll continue to print stuff up!

  5. I served this with bean and bacon soup. But it would be awesome with chili.

  6. Great looking bread! Does sound like it would be a nice change from corn bread with a big bowl of chili.

  7. Discovered this today at FFF, loved it enough to feature it as my Borrowed Friday! Looks delicious.


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