Monday, August 29, 2011

Like Mother, Like Daughter: Chocolate Cherry Whoopie Pies

This is a chocolate cherry whoopie pie.....

This is my daughter Randi.....

A chocolate cherry whoopie pie......


Randi has taken after my own heart. She loves to bake and experiment (usually sweet stuff). And she can make the best fried chicken ever!!

She did some searches on the internet, found some recipes, combined them all, and came up with this creation.

OMG!! I bet you cannot eat just one of these.....

And the sweetness and chocolate flavors are absolutely perfect.

You know how sometimes whoopie pies can be very sickening sweet, with too much filling, and not much flavor in the cookie?

These are not that way. PERFECT! PERFECT! PERFECT!

She is going to make her teacher proud when she starts chef training in a couple weeks.

Also, if I had a crystal ball.....this is what I see....Randi and I opening a cute little Vintage bakery/cafe, with lots of reds, plaids, and great pastries, soups, coffees, sandwiches, and salads.

What do you think? Does it sound like a plan?

This recipe has been linked to:


Jam Hands



Chocolate Cherry Whoopie Pies
*Created by Randi

The Cookie:
1/2 c. shortening
1 c. white sugar
1 egg
2 c. all-purpose flour
5 TBS unsweetened cocoa powder (Randi used Hershey's Special Dark)
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 c. milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease cookie sheets (Randi used baking stones, which didn't have to be greased).
In a large bowl cream shortening, sugar, and egg.
In a separate bowl sift together flour, cocoa, baking powder, salt, and baking soda. Add to creamed mixture alternately with milk, beating well. Add vanilla extract at the end.
Drop by large spoonfuls on cookie sheet. Bake for 12-14 minutes (until tops crack). Let sit on cookie sheet for a few minutes, remove to wire cooling rack. Cool completely.

The Filling:
1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese (room temp)
1/4 c. butter (room temp)
1 tsp. almond extract
1/4 c. heaping cherry pie filling (Randi ran this through the mini chopper)
4 c. confectioners' sugar

Cream together the cream cheese, butter, and cherry pie filling. Add confectioners' sugar while mixing. Add the almond extract last.

Place a small amount of cream mixture on the bottom of the completely cooled chocolate cookie. Place another cookie on top (both bottoms together).

"He replied, "Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written; 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men'"
Mark 7:6-7

Those are hurtful words. The Lord plunges right to the heart of the issue. He points out the effect of what the observance of tradition has upon our lives. It produces hypocrites. I am sometimes amazed, while I read the Bible, at the bluntness of Jesus' language. In Matthew it tells us that the disciples said to Him, "Do you realize that you offended those Pharisees?"
He is only pointing out the result of traditional "worship". Sometimes we use the right words, but use the wrong attitudes.
Have you ever heard a young adult make the comment, "I don't want to go to church because churches are filled with hypocrites."? I cannot see where there is any hypocrisy in a thoroughly Bible-centered church such as mine. But what the young adult is saying is, "You use great words - wonderful words - but you don't really mean them." Is that child right? Do we talk about love, but don't love? Do we talk about forgiveness, but don't forgive? Do we talk about acceptance, but don't accept?
That is what tradition can do. It externalizes, making religious beliefs and feelings outward instead of inward. Am I providing Randi with the right words, but wrong attitude? Do I expect her to carry on my tradition of baking without the true presence of love, forgiveness, and acceptance?


  1. I love your plan. Hope you get to do it.

  2. Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous, and those whoopie pies look divine!


  3. mmmm, these look tasty! Stopping by from the Jam Hands blog hop. You have some nice recipes here!

  4. I wanna be your first customer! What a team you'd be. These whoopie pies look and sound divine. WAY TO GO RANDI! I never did anything but follow recipes at her age - even until a few years ago. I'm so impressed! =)

  5. P.S. - LOVE LOVE LOVE your new header & background too - WOWZERS!

  6. YUM! Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again tomorrow with more great projects!

  7. These sound yummy! Hope you open your bakery! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday.

  8. That recipe looks wonderful! My husband loves cherry and chocolate. I will try this for his birthday coming up and share your blog where I got it from.

    1. Thank you so much Elena. The reason I liked these so well is because they weren't so sickening sweet like normal whoopie pies. The cookie to cream filling was perfect. I hope your husband likes them.

  9. These whoopie pies look soooooooooooooo delicious
    Thanks for sharing the recipe :)

  10. What a creative whoopie pie! The two of you would have a wonderful bakery!

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I added you to my blog roll. I love your blog!

  11. Hi Angie, I did make the whoopie pies and they were at hit for my husband's birthday. My daughter had so much fun helping me. Here is the post I did and linked the recipe to your blog.

    1. Thank you for sharing Elena. I'm so glad your husband loved them. And it looks like you had fun making them....


I look forward to and appreciate any comments.
Thank you for stopping by.