Friday, August 12, 2011

Contests....Candy Bouquets

Have you ever been in a contest where there is only one winner? You work, and work, and work to make everything perfect, and you sweat, and sweat, when the judging begins.....

This is the candy bouquet that my team created in my team building class.

One of the team members found these cute little sea shell chocolates online.
We thought we had the perfect product to sway the judges.

Sand dollars

Sea shells

Star fish

And cute little sea horses

There is a local company in my area called Potter Inc. They specialize in candy bouquets. Four of the top executives from Potter Inc. were invited to be the judges of our presentations and bouquets.

This is my team: Me (Angie), Tiffany, Kyleigh, Mark, and Sam. We worked so hard putting together and presenting the perfect candy bouquet.

"Chocolate Sundae at the Beach"

And the winner is......"Taste of Home", support our troops. This team received 20 extra class points.

Actually there wasn't any losers in this contest. It was very hard for the judges to make a decision, and they liked every single one of them.

"When Peter saw Him, he asked, "Lord, what about him?" Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.""
John 21: 21-22

We tend to compare our lives with others, whether to rationalize our own level of devotion to Christ or to question God's justice. We can see that God expects each person to take personal responsibility in responding to the events of his/her own life and not to look with envy, bitterness, or self-righteousness at what He requires of others. We must learn to operate in our own faith.


  1. Love the basket your team put together!
    You did a fantastic job!

  2. Thank you Lark. That class was so much fun. And now I know how to work in a team.


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