Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Perfect! Lark's Country Heart

This is perfect Lark!! I didn't know what I was going to post today, and you have made it possible...

I was featured at Lark's Country Heart as the #3 pick for Made it on Monday. How exciting!! I get to share the honors today.

Thank you so much Lark!!

Lark's Country Heart

Lark has some fabulous recipes on her blog. Make sure you visit her, spend some time with her, and grab some of those wonderful recipes. She has many recipes in my saved recipe's file.

Now I just have to find the time to create them.

What have I been doing this summer, you ask?

International Business, Team Building, and Ceramics.

International Business: ICK!! Lots of assignments and papers to write.
Team Building: Fun, fun, fun. Our teams are working on individual projects to create a candy bouquet. We have to create it, present it, and market it. My team has come up with a beach product (beach pail, ice cream cones (made out of candy), and gummie fish and Jelly Bellies for the sand). I can't wait to share the finished product with all of you. We have three teams, and only one will be chosen as the winner. And since I like to win......
Ceramics: STRESSFUL!

This is my ceramics tool kit. I am so stressed out from this class that I am dreaming about it, and the dreams are not scenes from the movie Ghost. They are nightmares!! I have a lot of projects to complete, and I haven't even attempted the clay wheel yet....YIKES!! So far I have created a coil pot, a stamp, and a molded dish (a great big banana split dish). Ceramics does not compare to creating foods.

My summer has been busy!

"In the desert the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron."
Exodus 16:2

It is happening! Stress! In stressful situations God provides for our needs. Difficult circumstances often lead to stress, and complaining is a natural response. We just want life to get a little easier. In the pressure of the moment, we struggle to focus on the cause of stress. We only think about the quickest way to escape. When pressure comes our way, we need to resist the temptation to make a quick escape. Instead, we need to focus on God's power and wisdom to help us deal with the cause of our stress.


  1. Congrats on being featured! I already knew you were a winner..and this proves it!;-} Your summer projects sound fun...but know you don't have much 'fun' time...hang in there Girlie.

  2. Angie you are so sweet! And I cant wait to make this bread and make a grilled cheese sandwich with it...sounds like a match made in heaven!


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