Monday, June 27, 2011

USDA: Western Style Ribs with Chocolate Ketchup

Do you remember me telling you that I am going to try the chocolate ketchup on ribs?

Well, I did it....

And it was fantastic!

My plate doesn't come anywhere close to matching the USDA food pyramid, but it was good anyway.

Have you seen the changes that have been made to the food pyramid?

My thoughts, "It's about damn time...."

I never liked the food pyramid. How do they expect people to stack their food in a pyramid?

The "My Plate" is so much easier to follow (user friendly), and if you go to their Web Site you can click on the plate to create your own with the appropriate food choices. I think they have done a great job, and this newness about them, it will surely make dieting easy.

Western Style Ribs with Chocolate Ketchup

1 pkg. western style ribs
season with lemon pepper

Heat oven to 300 degrees F.
Place ribs in shallow baking dish with a lid. Season with lemon pepper, add water to the dish till the ribs are almost covered. Place lid on dish, place in oven and bake for 2 hours. Remove from oven, drain almost all liquid (I leave just a little in the bottom). Spread the chocolate ketchup over the ribs, cover, and return to oven for 30 minutes.

"If you really change your ways and your actions and deal with each other justly,"
Jeremiah 7:5

Change! Do we really need to? Do we like it? Change can sometimes make life so much easier, more understandable, just like the change with the USDA food pyramid. My plate has just become easier to use and create.
We can easily change....attend church, take communion, teach church school, sing in the choir - All are empty exercises unless we are truly doing them for God. Change becomes habit, habit becomes a part of our life, and trusting and being truthful to God is just a small step.
If I can do it, anyone can.

1 comment:

  1. Yummy! This looks great. I made the chocolate ketchup a few days ago and it was delicious with fries. I used a homemade dark chocolate sauce that I happened to have in the fridge. It turned out great.


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