Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Secrets: Tomato Bread

How exciting! I was picked and featured at Lark's Country Heart in the top three picks for Made it on Monday.

Lark has some awesome recipes to share. Make sure you visit her, spend some time with her, and save some of her recipes. She has many recipes in MY saved recipe's file.
I just have to find the time to make them.
She inspired me to make an amazing peach cobbler. A keeper that will be made many times over.

Lark's Country Heart

Well folks, the time has come for me to give up my tomato bread recipe. Well, not my recipe but I will give out the original.

I have to keep the secrets that I added to this recipe a secret (or I wouldn't have people calling for this bread).

My sister-in-law gave me the cookbook that is pictured above. She was on vacation and thought of me during her vacation. She brought this book home to me, and I am so glad she did.

The tomato bread recipe has been tweaked and changed to my liking (and so many other's liking).

I started making this bread when I was attending the Farmer's Market in my area. The bread is so unique and flavorful that customers returned looking for more.

It got to the point where I was making six loaves of bread just to take to the Farmer's Market (sold out every time), and there were people calling for special orders.

A friend of mine called me before Father's Day to see if I would make her some tomato bread so she could give it to her Dad for Father's Day.

This bread makes the most amazing grilled cheese sandwich.

How can something that looks like a total mess turn into something amazing?

After it is kneaded it all comes together and looks like this.

On the rise here.

But like I said, I can't supply my recipe. You will have to tweak and create this to your own liking.
Grab the recipe and run....

I turned to my Facebook family and did a survey on the tomato bread (Share the recipe/not share the recipe). Share the recipe won (imagine that...).

This recipe is linked to:


Lark's Country Heart


  1. Angie, I have heard of Tomato cake and tomato bread however I have never been brave enough to make them. You bread looks so good! You just might have talked me into trying it.

  2. Psst....guess who made my TOP 3 Pick's on Made it on Monday????...YOU! :)

  3. Gosh a new Tomato Bread Recipe to try, Congrads on the Top 3, come visit my blog and see my tomato bread recipe. I am your newest follower


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