Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Kiss On The Lips: Chocolate Ketchup

Hershey, Pennsylvania....Have you ever been there?

Hershey is one place that's on my bucket list. I even have a friend that lives near there, right Myron?

He asked me one day, "So, you've never seen the Hershey Kiss lights?"

And I don't live that far away. Ohio and Pennsylvania are neighbors.....

According to research, chocolate ketchup is served in most restaurants in Hershey.

Well of course, chocolate was born there, and ketchup close by in Pittsburgh.

So naturally they should come together. Right?

The Chocolate Atlas did an interview on the Chef at Hershey Lodge, Bill Justus. He even supplies some of his recipes.

This recipe is linked to Mandy's Recipe Box. Make sure you take a look at all her wonderful recipes and ideas.

If this was magically delicious on fries, can you imagine what it would be like on ribs?

Or wings?

Or pork chops?

Or a dipping sauce for chicken strips?

I have a package of ribs in my freezer that is going to be introduced to this magical sauce....

All you have to do is measure equal parts of Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Syrup and your favorite ketchup.
You have to use Special Dark syrup though. It won't taste the same with milk chocolate.

This recipe is linked to:
Vegetarian Mamma ~ Gluten Free Fridays

"An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips."
Proverbs 24:26

Dark chocolate and ketchup, a true friendship, just like a kiss on the lips. A kiss on the lips was a sign of true friendship. Some people think that they should bend the truth to avoid hurting a friend. But one who gives an honest answer is a true friend. To be trusted with the truth even at the risk of offense is what this proverb is saying. Proverbs 24:26 represents a gesture of high honor.


  1. Amazing concept! I've never heard of it, but you can be sure we'll be having it soon. Thanks so much.

  2. Well nothing could be better than that. I cannot wai tto give this a try. Great pictures.

  3. Ha! I can't wait to try that!! Thanks for sharing. :)

  4. I definitely have to try that! Love Special Dark. And Heinz goes without saying.

  5. WHAT?!?! This is so cool!! Glad I saw this on Foodie Friends Friday! I am going to have to try this ASAP!

  6. YUM, what a creative idea!! My name is Cindy and I blog over at Vegetarianmamma.com I wanted to invite you to link up your recipe at our Gluten Free Fridays Recipe Link up party! It happens every Friday and we'd love to have you join us with some of your awesome recipes! You can find this week's link up here: http://vegetarianmamma.com/glutenfree-fridays-recipe-party-4/ It doesn't mean that you have to be a gluten free bloggers. If you have some recipes on your blog that are gluten free that counts! :) Many recipes are naturally gluten free.
    Thanks, Cindy :)

  7. I love chocolate and I love ketchup, so why not?!?! I put chocolate in chili. I love your post Angie and the quote at the end. Very nice touch.
    I'll let you know if I try it .

    1. I have heard of cinnamon in chili, but never chocolate. You should send me a recipe for that. I love trying new things. Thank you for stopping by and let me know what you think of the chocolate ketchup.


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