Friday, March 4, 2011

Shame & Angel Blueberry/Lemon Dessert

Would you really like to see what I have been doing?

I have been taking the easy way out when it comes to cooking, baking, and entertaining....

"Why?", You ask....

I have been so busy with school, volunteering, and family.

And the homework just keeps

piling up
piling up
piling up

Do you ever miss doing something that you have done every day for, let's say, the last six months?

I miss baking and cooking, home-made breads, creative dinner cooking and planning, blog searching, and just visiting my fellow bloggers. I miss the personal time (my time).

And to bring you such easy recipes shames me.

I am hanging my head in shame....

But I have come to realize that if I wouldn't be such a perfectionist, I wouldn't be facing this dilemma.

This dessert was taken to a church meal last Wednesday. There is a woman in the fellowship that is allergic to instant pudding. So, the perfectionist in me set aside a small dish minus the pudding just for her.

I am the same way when it comes to my homework. In my Global Civ class I am learning how to properly construct an essay.

This means proper steps like: Research, annotated bibliography, thesis statement, and outline. Basically the works....
When I receive my work back from the instructor, noted with corrections,

the perfectionist in me says, "Okay, do over."

I feel like I have to correct it until it is right. I really think I am driving myself crazy.

Do you want to hear how crazy I made my day yesterday? Here is the perfectionist once again...

I spent 6 hours working on the newsletter for the church (until it was perfected), rushed to Office Max 17 miles away to make copies of the newsletter, and gave myself 15 minutes to get to class on time, which the college is in the same town as Office Max (Thank God).

So, this is why I have been lacking in blog posts, visits to fellow bloggers, and starving my family.

Hanging head in shame....

Yesterday I had a constant play-back running through my mind.

What do you think it was?

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

This prayer has brought me to today.

I have tons of homework to do, and I have decided to just take this morning and breathe for a little bit, slow down and get some "my time" out of the way.

Which leads me to sharing this simple, tasty, fits my time, dessert.

I had an angel food cake (about the size of a brick) tucked away in my freezer (for safe keeping).
I cut it into little cubes.
1 box lemon instant pudding (fixed according to package directions)
1 can blueberry pie filling
whipped cream

I layered the ingredients into a trifle bowl. Easy, refreshing, light, dessert.

I have linked this recipe with Eat At Home blog.

Good Luck~Happy Eating~Enjoy

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3: 5-6


  1. Yum... love blueberry & lemon together.. nice blog.. you always make me think about life the good bad and that we all struggle but in the end if we lean on HIM that we will make it through.. Love the Proverbs 3:5-6... struggling with finding me and devotional time... haven't ready my bible all week....need to take just a few minutes each day for him and me... thanks :) have a good and hopefully relaxing day :)

  2. I am all about easy recipes - do not hang your head in shame. The fact that you can whip up a dessert for your family and your church family is an accomplishment all by itself. You are taking care of your self and working on school - that is all important. Nothing to be ashamed of there!! I love this recipe - not just because it is easy but because I know it will taste great! Hold that head up girl and just do the best you can do each day. Blessings to you!!

  3. I'm with Brandie! NO reason to hold your head in shame...this kind of dish is right up my alley! Looks beautiful and I too, LOVE the combo flavors of lemon/blueberry! I think you are brilliant...and you found enough time to type up this thought-provoking post. And do all those many other things you put yourself into? You put many of us to shame! Take good care and enjoy your week...and be sure to take time for you. Love the beautiful prayer too!


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