Saturday, October 9, 2010

Issues At A'lil Country Sugar


I am not able to bring you your regularly scheduled program due to the non-cooperative Internet.

Every time I try and upload a photo I get kicked off the Internet.

Dealing with this problem today is just like getting in my car and not having it start. UGH!! (I hope it's not a "sign" to the start of a bad day) *fingers crossed*

I just keep trying and trying, and nothing.

I thought High-Speed Cable Internet was suppose to be dependable? (Just saying...)

I will not give up though. Maybe the Internet is just not awake yet, it is awful early. He may want to sleep in for a while, it is Saturday you know.

Let it sit for a while (like I would do with my car) and maybe it will start working right.

Coaxing, chanting, and praying just isn't working...."Come on Rusty, I know you can do it..."

But one good thing, I am getting my exercise running down and up the basement stairs to reset the router....

I promise I will not give up....I will supply you with my most amazing deviled eggs ever. (And lose 10 pounds in the process)

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